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(Please Fill Out Form When Ordering)

(Be aware current turnaround time is 4-6 weeks)

Note on Tauric Characters

In regards to tauric characters (Centaurs, Leotaurs, Cervitaurs, etc), refer to the human/anthro commissions for cost of anything less than a waist-up given most tauric characters have a humanlike/structure upper body. For anything beyond a waist-up (Full Body, Reference sheet, etc), the price is an average of the two prices.

Please use the following form when ordering a commission:

  • Commission Type: (Ex. Fullbody Sketch, Headshot Lineart, Bust Simple Shading, Reference Sheet, etc)

  • Payment Email: The paypal address or email address you would like your invoice sent to.

  • Number of Characters: The amount of characters. For no additional characters, simply put '1'.

  • Background: (Yes or no where applicable)

  • References/Descriptions: Any references you have for characters, poses, backgrounds, etc. Written descriptions are also fine, but I would appreciate if they are detailed.

  • Details: What you would like your commission to be essentially. Do you want two ponies having a party on a beach? Do you prefer a particular mood or pose? Includes details for your background choices if you answered 'Yes' to Background above. For comic pages, you must provide your number of pages and panels wanted, as well as how you would like the panels laid out and the dialogue wanted (if any).

  • Other Need-To-Know: Any other details you think I might need to know that are important.

For Reference Sheets I also need to know what you'd like for your other two poses aside from the base 3/4/profile pose, as well as if you'd like to add any additional poses/headshots.

For Cutiemark Designs I need at least a keyword or the character's name/talent to concept a basic idea.

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